16 Hilarious Jokes About Fishes

1. What is the best way to communicate with a fish? Drop it a line!

2. What kind of fish only swims in hot oil? Fish Sticks.

3. Which day do fish hate? Fry-day!

4. What do you get if you cross a math teacher with a crab? Snappy answers.

5. What is dry on the outside, filled with water and blows up buildings? A fish tank!

6. What’s the most famous fish? A star-fish!

7. Which part of a fish weighs the most? The scales!

8. Why do fish live in saltwater? Pepper makes them sneeze!

9. What do fish use to help them hear? A herring aid!

10. What kind of fish performs operations? A sturgeon!

11. There were two goldfish in a tank. What did one say to the other? How do you drive this thing?

12. A fisherman was having a successful day of fishing without a liscense when the ranger came up, saw a bucket full of nice trout, and asked to see his fishing liscense. “Oh, I’m not fishing sir, these are my pet fish. I’m just bringing them out for some exercise.” “Exercise?” the ranger said skeptically. “Sure, I bring them down to the creek, let them out for a little swim, then they come back and jump in the bucket and we go home.” “Hmm, can you show me” “Sure” said the fisherman as he dumped the fish into the creek. A few minutes later the ranger said “OK, let’s see your fish jump back in the bucket” “What fish?” asked our fisherman.

14. Me: When you look at your fish sticks what do you see?

Friend: I just seafood (see food)

15. Knock Knock Who’s there? Fish! Fish who? Bless you.

16. Fisherwoman. Is this river good for trout?
Fisherman. Must be, I can’t catch any.

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