10 Funny Jokes About Breaking Up

Breaking up with someone is never an easy thing. That is why people around you will try their best to give support and understanding to help you move on. But you know what? It’s not…

6 Hilarious Jokes About Bears

What religion are bears? A priest, a minister, and a rabbi want to see who’s best at his job. So they each go into the woods, find a bear, and attempt to convert it. Later…

5 Jokes About Minorities

Photo by Brett Sayles from Pexels In school the teacher asks Joshua what he did during the break. Joshua answers “I was playing with Thomas in the sand box”. The teacher replies “Then come to the front, write…

10 Hilarious Jokes About Grandfathers

My friend was really proud of his British heritage until he found out that his grandfather was from Transylvania. Now he can’t even look at himself in the mirror. One day a boy was playing…

20 Hilarious Jokes About Celebrities

A guy was watching the news and realized a famous celebrity had died. He called a friend to share the news. Jim: Did you hear that Reece Whats-her-Name died? She choked to death while eating…

5 Jokes About Single People

Being single can either be the best thing that has happened to your life or the worst thing ever. You have total freedom, but you have crushing loneliness. Being single can be particularly hard during…

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