15 One-Liner Jokes to Get Her Attention

If these funny one-liner jokes won’t get her attention, then nothing else will.

My girlfriend told me she was leaving me because I keep pretending to be a Transformer. I said, “No, wait! I can change.”

When a penguin finds its mate they stay together for the rest of their lives. Will you be my penguin?

Relationships are a lot like algebra. Have you ever looked at your X and wondered Y?

My girlfriend was complaining last night that I never listen to her. Or something like that…

Is your dad Liam Neeson? Because I’m Taken with you.

Did you get those yoga pants on sale? Because at my house they’re 100% off.

Are you from Korea? Because you could be my Seoul mate.

Are you a campfire? Cause you’re hot and I want s’more.

You still use Internet Explorer? You must like it nice and slow.

Hi, I’m writing a phone book, can I have your number?

I thought happiness started with an H. Why does mine start with U?

I want to be your handbag so I never leave your side.

Do you like Nintendo? Cuz “Wii” would look good together.

You have repainted my life with colors that were previously unknown to me!

You wanna know who’s amazing and has the cutest smile ever? Read the first word again.

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