
Tina Fey’s Ten Best Jokes

1. Twitter seems like a busman’s holiday: just more writing. I have no plans to do it. I’ll just stick with my 24/7 webcam. I’m old-fashioned that way.” 2. I really love cursing a lot….

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10 Funny Jokes by Chris Rock

1. Don’t argue! You cannot win, you cannot beat a woman in a argument. It’s impossible you will not win. Cause men, we are handicapped when it comes to arguing cause we have a need…

7 Funniest Jokes by Kevin Hart

1. “There’s nothing worse than telling a dumb-ass lie and getting caught telling a dumb-ass lie….I’m in my car, I’m driving. My boy calls me, I pick up. ‘Yo, Kevin, what up?’ Instantly I lie….

20 Hilarious Jokes About Celebrities

A guy was watching the news and realized a famous celebrity had died. He called a friend to share the news. Jim: Did you hear that Reece Whats-her-Name died? She choked to death while eating…

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