10 Jokes About Being in a Relationship

Love is blind, but it can also be hilarious at times. You just need to look at it from the right perspective, so reading these quotes about being in a relationship is a great way to lighten the mood.

Check out these hilarious jokes about being in a relationship.

I’m in a very serious relationship with my girlfriend

I haven’t laughed in 2 years

We were at a wedding recently and my husband tried his hand at being romantic.

As the music swelled, he leaned over and whispered, “You’re more beautiful than half the women here.”

A group of women were at a seminar on how to live in a loving relationship with their husbands. The women were asked, “How many of you love your husband?

All the women raised their hands.

Then they were asked, “When was the last time you told your husband you loved him?”

Some women answered today, a few yesterday, and some couldn’t remember.
The women were then told to take out their cell phones and text their husband – “I love you, Sweetheart.”
Next the women were instructed to exchange phones with one another and read aloud the text message they received in response to their message. Below are 12 hilarious replies. If you have been married for quite a while, you understand that these replies are a sign of true love. Who else would reply in such a succinct and honest way?

1. Who the hell is this?

2. Eh, mother of my children, are you sick or what?

3. Yeah, and I love you too. What’s wrong?

4. What now? Did you wreck the car again?

5. I don’t understand what you mean.

6. What the hell did you do now?

8 Don’t beat about the bush, just tell me how much you need.

9. Am I dreaming?

10. If you don’t tell me who this message is actually for, someone will die.

11. I thought we agreed you wouldn’t drink during the day. (My personal favorite!)

12. Your mother is coming to stay with us, isn’t she?

A lonely man placed an ad in the paper. “Wanted: A wife.” Within a week, he’d received hundreds of replies.

They were all the same: “You can have mine.”

A man walks into a bar, broken up about his past relationship

The man orders a drink and catches the attention of another man sitting at his table. They engage in a conversation and started talking about tennis. Out of nowhere, the man said:
“What’s the meaning of love?”

“Nothing.” The man’s new friend responded.
Crying, the man ran out of the bar. Later that week on the news, it had been revealed that he had thrown himself into the river. The friend he’d made shows up to his funeral.

“I thought we were still talking about tennis.”

On their honeymoon, the new husband told his bride: “I have a confession to make that I should have made before, but I was concerned that it might affect our relationship.”

“What is it?” his new bride asked lovingly.

“I’m a golf fanatic,” he said. “I think about golf constantly. I’ll be out on the golf course every weekend, every holiday, and every chance I get. If it comes to a choice between your wishes and golf, golf will always win.”

His new bride pondered this for a moment and said: “I thank you for your honesty. Now in the same spirit of honesty, I should tell you that I’ve concealed something about my own past that you should know about. The truth is, I’m a hooker.”

“No problem,” said her husband. “Just widen your stance a little, and overlap your grip, and that should clear it right up.”

Mathematics of a relationship

Wise man + Wise woman = Romance

Wise man + Dumb woman = Affair

Dumb man + Wise woman = Marriage

Dumb man + Dumb woman = Pregnancy

A man is on his deathbed with his wife at his side.

“Listen closely” – says the man – “I want you to promise me one thing before I die. Do not ever have a relationship with another man. For every man that you sleep with, I’ll do a 360º spin in Heaven.”

“Don’t worry, darling, I promise”, says his wife.

After a few days, the man passes away and his wife is left alone. Years pass, and the woman dies as well. Upon reaching the gates of Heaven, she asks St. Peter: “Where is my husband? Do you know where he is?”

St. Peter replies: “Oh, you mean the ‘Beyblade’? He’s right there.”

Open relationships

A husband and wife are sitting at the kitchen table eating dinner. Suddenly the wife looks up at the husband and says “You know what honey? I’ve been thinking about it for a while and I would like to experiment with an open relationship.”

The husbands eyes light up, “Yes! This is gonna be great!”

The wife replies “Oh honey I’m so glad you’re into it!”

Now more eager, the husband says “Man I can’t wait to tell Mike! He’s not going to believe this!”

The wife looks at him and says

“I already invited him over later tonight, why don’t you tell him then?”

Not good at relationships

My last relationship ended because I didn’t open the car door for her… instead, I swam up to the surface.

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